11/24/2002 Progress Report
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11/24/2002 Progress Report Page 2

A substantial amount of progress has been made since the 11/12/02 Progress Report. The roadway crew and track crew have been hard at work pushing construction of the railroad forward, while adding to the list of mileposts being accomplished.

On November 16, Marcus and Larry came up for an afternoon work session with resulted in a major milepost being accomplished: after one year of sitting on the floor, the New Castle peninsula from the old layout was finally installed into the new layout.

First, we installed the old legs on the New Castle peninsula. We then drilled holes and installed the new legs at the rear of the New Castle peninsula. Next, we installed the 3 supports at the Broad Run/Laurel area to tie the Catawba and New Castle peninsulas together. Rich then joined us later in the session, and we lifted all 3 sections of the New Castle peninsula and tied them together. We reinstalled the cross braces on the legs for the New Castle peninsula. Finally, we also tied the New Castle peninsula into the Laurel/Broad Run supports.

With the exciting accomplishment of the previous day spurring me forward, I installed 13 risers, 1 splice plate, and 4 pieces of plywood subroadbed on November 17. All of this work was done on the grade from MC Cabin through Hanging Rock to the south end of the Catawba Creek Viaduct. I also installed 2 fascia support pieces at the Catawba Creek Viaduct. I installed 2 pieces of Vinylbed at MC Cabin and 4 pieces of Subvinylbed from MC Cabin to Hanging Rock Tunnel (south of the Catawba Creek Viaduct).

On November 18, I installed 3 pieces of Vinylbed from MC Cabin to Hanging Rock Tunnel. I also installed 1/3 piece at MC to complete the MC Lead.

On November 19, I soldered together 2 long sections (2 regular sections each) of code 55 flextrack for the curves in the MC Cabin area of North Salem. I then laid 2 pieces (1 long section) of flextrack on the main line at the curve just south of MC Cabin. I also laid 1 short piece of flextrack on the Mason Creek Lead to prepare for laying the rest of the MC Lead.

Jan, Chuck, Rich, and Scott came over for a work session on Thursday, November 21. We worked primarily on stabilizing the rear of the Catawba peninsula and the supports at Laurel/Broad Run area, which took most of the work session. Scott and Rich adjusted the remaining peninsula supports for the 3/4" adjustment that Rich and I had previously made on the first part of the Catawba peninsula. We discussed several construction techniques to solidify the peninsula, and we screwed 6 peninsula supports into the floor. Rich and I then installed the remaining 7 Catawba peninsula supports and tied them together with the top plate only.

I laid 2 pieces (1 long section) of flextrack on the Mason Creek Lead curve just south of MC Cabin on Friday, November 22.

I glued together the 1/2" x 3/4" x 24" styrene strips for the Catawba Creek Viaduct on November 23. These strips will support the track as it crosses the Catawba Creek Valley and the Norfolk Southern CR&E Division. I also worked on redesigning the Georgia Pacific OSB plant at Catawba to use some space behind the backdrop that did not become apparent until the benchwork was installed.

I primed 2 pieces of fascia (one was 1/4" x 2' x 4' to solidfy the legs at New Castle) and 2 pieces of backdrop on November 24. I also laid 1/2 piece of flextrack & one #7 turnout at MC Cabin to complete the mainline to MC Cabin.

(Note: There are 2 pages to this report.)

Progress as of November 16, 2002

Overall view of the peninsula supports connecting the Catawba peninsula on the right and the New Castle peninsula on the left. Broad Run (creek) will be on the lower level here and Laurel is on the upper level.


Another view of the same area as above.


Overall view of the Craig Creek side of the New Castle peninsula.


Close-up view of the "Corkscrew" loop on the New Castle peninsula. The south end of the New Castle passing siding is right above the DTC block limit signs on the fascia.


Another view of the Craig Creek area. The Craig Creek Viaduct will be pulled out of storage and installed after reconnecting all of the track on this peninsula.


The "Corkscrew" end of the New Castle peninsula.


A view of New Castle looking northward. Structures are still in storage at this point.


Here's a view of the Craig Creek side of the peninsula. This view will not be possible once new backdrop sections are installed.


Progress as of November 17, 2002

Subroadbed has now been extended from the MC Cabin area to the south end of the Catawba Creek Viaduct.


Current end of subroadbed at Hanging Rock Tunnel (the dark grey area on the template in the foreground).


Looking north from MC Cabin (in foreground) towards Hanging Rock, VA.


Curve at Hanging Rock, VA.


Looking north toward Hanging Rock Tunnel.


Looking south from Hanging Rock, VA back towards MC Cabin.


Overall view of the Hanging Rock area.


Go to page 2 of this report.

This page was last updated on 01/01/11.


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